Event Design             Visual identity             Editorial            


MastersMatch is a women's event celebrating our defining women in sports. MastersMatch displays the elegance of tennis and the determination and agility of the women who play. Our slogan is Grace under Pressure, furthering the idea of grace and elegance needed behind this powerful sport. This parallels women's need to keep composure in the media while breaking gender role barriers in society. This event highlights the 50th anniversary of the battle of the sexes, the infamous tennis match between Billie Jean King and Bobby Riggs in 1973. The event also aims to highlight the extraordinary impact of black women tennis players, such as Althea Gibson and Serena Williams. 


Masters Match


IDA  Honorable Mention 2024

The project aims to bring light to our founding female tennis athletes and curate an honorary open tournament for players to attend. This project branding highlights a 70s-inspired palette as Women's History Month just passes, and some vintage-inspired advertisements and tickets. This project highlights keywords including Grace under pressure, social change, impact on women's culture, and determination of women's athletics. It hopes to inspire, change, and bring remembrance to our women players who brought new inspiring standards to the sport. 

Created with Cargo